Outgoing Mail

Mail Services makes every effort to ensure your mail is processed quickly and professionally.
The USPS currently picks up all mail from Mail Services twice daily. All outgoing USPS mail picked up from University departments by Mail Services staff is processed and in the hands of the USPS the same day. However, unusual peak periods, equipment downtime, and situations beyond our control could cause your mail to be delayed in processing but is very uncommon.
All outgoing USPS mail should be at Mail Services no later than 2:30 PM in order for Mail Services staff to have ample time to process your mail and get it out that same day. The sooner your mail is brought to Mail Services, the sooner your mail can be processed and on its way to being delivered to its destination. If you cannot meet the 2:30 PM cut-off time and your mail has to be processed that same day, contact Mail Services to make special arrangements to get your mail processed. We strongly encourage mailers to plan ahead in their mail production.