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Outgoing, unstamped University mail requires a Postage Charge Ticket (PCT) containing a specific WFU budget code bar code. The PCT allows for faster sorting, better accuracy of reporting charges, and an increase in overall efficiency for Mail Services staff.

It is imperative the Postage Charge Ticket be completed electronically so that the required bar code will be properly formatted. Do not prepare the Postage Charge Ticket manually.

Vista & Windows 7 Users-Download instructions, font, Postage Charge Ticket

Windows XP Users-Download instructions, font, Postage Charge Ticket

Macintosh OS X Users-Download instructions, font, Postage Charge Ticket

A PCT is not needed for inter-campus mail, personal mail, or stamped mail. Mail with PCT attached should be placed in the departmental mail pouches.

Attach a completed PCT to all outgoing mail requiring postage by:

  • rubber band if you bundle letters from the same budget number
  • paper clip to individual letters
  • tape to larger packages
  • separate international mail

If you have any difficulties installing and using the PCT, please get in touch with Tina Cole at 336.716.2030 or