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Installing the font for Postage Charge Ticket

Right-click on the barcode font 3of9 link below.
Choose “Save target as” and save the file in a folder in your User file as a .tff file.


  1. Locate your barcode font in your user folder.
  2. Right-click on the font.
  3. Select Install. (You will not get confirmation that it installed, but it did)
  4. Now go to your Start button on the bottom left of your screen.
  5. Click on Control Panel.
  6. Double click on Fonts. Make sure that you see the 3of9 font.
  7. Proceed to “Completing and Printing Postage Charge Ticket” below.

Completing and Printing Postage Charge Ticket

Right-click on the WFU Postage Charge Ticket link
Choose “Save target as” and save the file in a folder in your User folder as a .xls file

WFU Postage Charge Ticket.xls

  1. AFTER the font is installed, open up the WFU Postage Charge ticket.xls file.
  2. Barcodes should appear on the Excel document as a result of the new font installed. If the bar code does not appear, please contact Tina Cole at 716-2030 or
  3. Key in your Department Name, E-mail, and Department Budget Code in the first of the four tickets; the forms will automatically fill these fields on the other 3 tickets. You will need to Date and Sign each time you use a ticket.
    1. Valid Chart Codes: R (Reynolda Campus), H (Reynolda House), F
      (Development Foundation), X (WFU Foundation).
    2. The Fund Code will default to 111111. If you are charging the Postage to a different fund number, overtype the field. (For example, your fund number may begin with P, RG, SU, D, CG, A, RC, HCP, HGA, HRC, or ER).
    3. The Account Code will default to the postage allocation account code 70026.
    4. Type in the Activity and/or Location Codes as needed.
  4. Copy or print these slips in advance as needed. Each sheet provides four separate postage charge tickets.
  5. You may overtype fields in tickets 2-4 as needed, but be aware that you will overwrite the excel formulas in those cells. You may save a changed PCT to a different name and maintain your original PCT intact, or you can always download a fresh copy of the PCT from this webpage.

IMPORTANT:  the General Ledger numbers must be typed so that the barcode will properly format. Do not manually complete the Postage Ticket.

Using the Postage Charge Ticket

  1. Date and sign the ticket.
  2. Rubber band a ticket to bundles of mail, paper clip it to individual letters, or tape it to larger packages.